Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Just Like Us

The theater program at San Diego state is coming out with a show at the end of September about the lives of immigrants and the issues they face. In the show are 4 teenage girls, 2 of them are documented and the other 2 are not. However, they are all friends and the 2 that are documented help the others go through challenges they face. The title “Just Like Us” is about how the 4 girls struggle to find their identity when the world around them constantly doesn’t accept them for who they are. The show dives deep into explaining how the immigration effects each individual and the society we live in. Not only does it state laws and facts, but it is known to be emotional and raw storytelling to open up people’s eyes and mind to how real immigration is. “Just Like Us” will start on Friday September 27th through Sunday October 6th.


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